We are a group of volunteers who help guide the strategic direction of the organisation and work with Clare the manager to make sure the organisation has everything in place to run smoothly.  That way the staff can concentrate on creating great music making opportunities for people to improve mental health and wellbeing, build community and create lasting memories.  Are you interested in joining our board as Secretary or Treasurer? Please click here.

In September 2021 we did some training with Duncan Wallace Associates and held a strategy day with the Givin’ it Laldie staff team to think about our purpose and vision. We reflected on stakeholder feedback collected for us; what we are good at, what we could improve on and possible future plans.


The key things we agreed on were:

  1. We really believe in the unique power of group music making.
  2. We want to stay grounded and grow with the local community. 
  3. The Gorbals is an exciting, historically rich, and talented place.